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  • The popularity of computers and the rapid development of technology have eliminated many computer peripherals; the connection methods of computer peripherals are also diverse, from the early PS2 interface that supports the keyboard and mouse and the 25-pin large parallel port transmission line of the old printer to the present HDMI video cable, with the update of the equipment, there will be more peripheral cables with different interfaces in the future; today I will lead you to review the standard cables of computer peripheral peripherals.

    AV video cable; In the DVD era, this is a new generation of transmission cable upgraded from RF cable, which separates the transmission of sound and image for the first time; AV cables are still widely used by everyone. AV audio cable; mainly used to connect the computer to the power amplifier equipment, and input audio from the computer to the audio equipment.

    The COM port cable (also known as R232) is mainly used to connect older computer peripherals; for example, printer R232 to USB: It is mainly used to convert some devices because they are too old to be supported by the computer. For example, old-fashioned printers, current computer motherboards do not support the COM interface, and the old device can continue to be used with this cable.

  • 雙絞線:雙絞線(Twisted pair)分為屏蔽(Shielded Twisted pair,簡稱STP)和非屏蔽(UnshieldedTwisted pair,簡稱UTP)兩種。所謂的屏蔽就是指網線內部信號線的外面包裹著一層金屬網,在屏蔽層外面才是絕緣外皮,屏蔽層可以有效地隔離外界電磁信號的干擾。
  • The sweeper refers to the sweeping robot. In the near future, it will become an indispensable cleaning helper for every family like white goods. Products will also develop from primary intelligence to a higher degree of intelligence, gradually replacing manual cleaning.

    With the continuous improvement of living standards in China, the sweeping robots that have been sold in the European and American markets have entered the homes of ordinary people and are accepted by more and more people. As the cleaning assistant of the company, the sweeper greatly improves the cleaning efficiency and cleaning effect of the road, but when the sweeper fails, it is more annoying, so is it a problem with the selection of the line?

    The general problem with the sweeper is that it does not move. Therefore, the wire we use for the sweeper must pass the quality, and the wire from the master manufacturer is a product that has passed the quality inspection. Check whether the key switch has activated the sweeper and the sweeper’s key. After the switch is turned to the right, if you hear the start of the sweeper, it means that the sweeper has not started just now; if there is no sound after starting the sweeper, the key switch is damaged, or the fuse of the sweeper is blown, so you need to replace the key switch Or replace the fuse. Of course, it may be that the wiring of the key switch is loose or broken. Just replace the wiring or tighten the wiring. The key switch, fuse, and wiring are all OK, and the sweeper still does not work, indicating that the battery is abnormal and the battery cannot supply power. , Check if the electricity meter has electricity, first charge it, if the sweeper can go after charging, it means that the electricity meter is damaged and cannot display the real electricity, and the electricity meter needs to be replaced; if the sweeper still can’t drive, there is a problem with the battery , Replace the battery; the tire is solidified and wrapped around the sweeper and does not drive, but the noise is loud, indicating that the tire is entangled and locked. Forcibly starting the sweeper will cause damage to the engine load and solve the tire entanglement. If it is not the wiring problem, it may be the installation and internal problems of the machine itself. The above questions are for reference only.

  • 1、利用壓線鉗的剪線刀口剪取適當長度的網線。

  • The audio cable directly transmits the power signal. Due to the large current, the copper core of the wire is usually thicker. In order to ensure high frequency passage and reduce resistance attenuation, silver-plated, gold-plated or oxygen-free copper wires are mostly used. Audio cables are generally divided into copper-plated audio cables and oxygen-free copper audio cables. Audio cables mainly transmit power signals, so speaker cables are required to have excellent conductivity and high-quality transmission capabilities. The audio cable is also called the speaker cable, which is mainly used to connect the power amplifier and the main speaker, surround speakers in the home theater, that is, to connect the power amplifier and the speakers. Compared with video cables and audio cables, its current signal is relatively large. Due to the large signal amplitude, audio cables often have no shielding layer. For this kind of wire, the key is to reduce its resistance, because the output resistance of modern power amplifiers is very low, so the requirements for speaker wire will also increase, such as the use of large cross-sectional area or multi-stranded wire. At present, oxygen-free copper audio cables, also known as gold and silver cables, are more mainstream and have lower resistance. Audio gold and silver cables usually have no shielding layer, because the current signal flowing through them is larger than that of audio cables and video cables, and the signal amplitude is very large. The most important thing is to reduce the resistance of the line. The impedance at the output of the power amplifier is very low. The audio line passes low-power, low-current signals, and has high impedance and is susceptible to interference. Therefore, it is generally a shielded wire, and the wire is relatively thin. Audio cables usually have a shielding layer, but audio cables often do not have a shielding layer. The key is to reduce resistance. Among the deep blue highway audio cables, the more expensive is the dedicated oxygen-free copper speaker cable, which is mainly characterized by good conductivity and low resistivity.

    The audio signal line can be used to connect the line between mobile phones, CD players, MP3 music output signal devices and power amplifiers. Speaker cables are mainly used for various speakers, PA projects, home theater connections, and public space broadcasting systems.

  • But when it comes to 5G, it seems that the public can only think of the advantage of faster speed, and there is no inevitable connection with smart homes. But in fact, 5G and smart home are closely related. It can be said that the real realization of smart home needs to be promoted and realized by 5G. So let me talk about the advantages of 5G first:

    1. High speed, up to 10 Gbit/s, 100 times faster than the previous 4G LTE cellular network;

    2. Ultra-low latency, 5G requires a minimum latency of about 1ms, while 4G is 30-70ms;

    3. Super large network capacity, providing the connection capacity of millions of devices, meeting the communication of the Internet of Things;

    4. The spectrum efficiency is more than 10 times higher than that of LTE;

    5. With continuous wide-area coverage and high mobility, the user experience rate can reach 100Mbit/s, and movies can be watched at high speeds;

    6. The flow density and connection number density are greatly improved;

    7. The system is coordinated, and the level of intelligence is improved, showing the assistance of multiple users, multiple points, multiple antennas, and multiple captures.

    In the 4G era, home security is limited by bandwidth resources, network tariffs, signal interference and other factors. HD surveillance always suffers from freezes or signal loss. With the advent of the 5G era, the network will have larger bandwidth, faster transmission speeds and more stable signals. The problems that plague home security will be solved. Home security will usher in the real-time high-definition era, realize mobile monitoring, and better protect the family. Security becomes a reality.

    As more and more devices can be connected, the wireless connection between smart homes and smart communities, and wireless connection between smart communities and smart cities is also possible. Perhaps in the near future, people will be able to enjoy the convenience of smart life and smart travel.












