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  • 但(dan)談起5G似(si)乎(hu)公眾(zhong)只能(neng)(neng)(neng)想到(dao)速(su)度更快這一優(you)勢(shi),和智(zhi)(zhi)能(neng)(neng)(neng)家(jia)居(ju)也并(bing)沒有(you)必然的(de)聯系。但(dan)事(shi)實上,5G和智(zhi)(zhi)能(neng)(neng)(neng)家(jia)居(ju)關系密切,可以說智(zhi)(zhi)能(neng)(neng)(neng)家(jia)居(ju)的(de)真正實現(xian)需要(yao)5G來(lai)促進,來(lai)實現(xian)。那么先講一下5G的(de)優(you)勢(shi):

    1、高速度,最高可達(da)10 Gbit/s,比先前的(de)4G LTE蜂窩網(wang)絡快100倍;

  • Making of network cable
    1. Use the trimming blade of the crimping pliers to cut the appropriate length of the network cable.
    2. Use the cutting edge of the crimping pliers to cut the end of the thread neatly, and then put the end of the thread into the stripping knife, let the end of the thread touch the baffle, slightly hold the crimping pliers and rotate slowly, and use the knife to cut the protective rubber of the twisted pair. , Pull off the rubber.
    3. Each pair of wires are entangled with each other. When making a network cable, the 8 wires should be disassembled one by one, and then arranged neatly in accordance with the specified wire sequence.
    4. Straighten and flatten the network cable as much as possible, arrange one end in the order of white, green, green, white orange, blue, white blue, orange, white brown, and brown from left to right, and use the crimping pin to hold the end of the thread. Cut evenly. If the leftover skin is too long, you can cut the too long thin wires short and keep about 14mm. This length is just enough to insert the thin wires into their respective wire slots, and the crystal plug can just press the sheath to prevent the cable from being removed. The crystal head came out.
    5. Use the thumb and middle finger of your left hand to pinch the crystal head, make the side with the plastic shrapnel down, and the pin side facing away from you, and hold it with your index finger; pinch the rubber outside the twisted pair with your right hand, and slowly force 8 The wires are inserted along the 8 wire slots in the crystal head at the same time, all the way to the top of the wire slot.
    6. After confirming that all the wires are in place and checking the wire sequence, push the crystal head into the crimping tool clamping slot, and then firmly hold the wire pliers to press all the pins protruding from the crystal head into the crystal head.
    7. Make the other end of the network cable in the same way. Note that the line sequence at this time is white orange, orange,
  • 掃地機是指(zhi)掃地機器人(ren)。在不久的(de)(de)(de)將來像白色(se)家(jia)電一樣成為每個家(jia)庭必不可(ke)少的(de)(de)(de)清潔幫手(shou)。產品也會由(you)初(chu)級智(zhi)能向著更高程(cheng)度(du)的(de)(de)(de)智(zhi)能化(hua)程(cheng)度(du)發展,逐(zhu)步的(de)(de)(de)取代人(ren)工清潔。

  • 音響線直接通過功率信號,因為通過電流大,通常線的銅芯會比較粗,為了保證高頻通過和減小電阻衰減,大多是鍍銀、鍍金或者無氧銅線。音響線,一般有分鍍銅音響線和無氧銅音響線。音響線主要傳輸的是功率信號,所以要求音箱線要具有優秀的導電性能和高質量的傳送能力。
  • Twisted pair: Twisted pair is divided into shielded (Shielded Twisted pair, referred to as STP) and unshielded (Unshielded Twisted pair, referred to as UTP). The so-called shielding means that the signal wire inside the network cable is wrapped with a layer of metal mesh, and the shielding layer is the insulating sheath, which can effectively isolate the interference of external electromagnetic signals.

    UTP is currently the most frequently used network cable in local area networks. This kind of network cable is wrapped in a plastic insulating sheath with 8 signal wires. Two of them are entangled with each other as a pair, forming a total of four pairs. The twisted pair is also named. The purpose of twisted pairs twisted with each other is to use the electromagnetic field generated by the current in the copper wire to cancel the interference of adjacent lines and reduce the interference from the outside world. The number of times that each pair of wires are twisted with each other in each inch of length determines the anti-interference ability and the quality of communication. The tighter the twist, the higher the communication quality and the higher the network data transmission rate. Of course, its cost is also higher. high.

    Coaxial cable: Coaxial cable refers to a cable with two concentric conductors, and the conductor and the shielding layer share the same axis. Because it wraps the insulating material outside the main line, and there is a layer of woven shielded metal wire outside the insulating material, it can well block the external electromagnetic interference and improve the quality of communication. The advantage of coaxial cable is that it can support high-bandwidth communication on a relatively long line without repeater, but its disadvantages are also obvious: First, it is large in size, and the diameter of a thin cable is 3/8 inches thick, which takes up the cable. There is a lot of space in the pipeline; the second is that it cannot withstand tangles, pressures and severe bends, which will damage the cable structure and prevent signal transmission; and the third is the high cost. All these shortcomings can be overcome by twisted-pair cables. Therefore, in the current local area network environment, they have basically been replaced by Ethernet physical layer specifications based on twisted-pair cables. Coaxial cables are divided into thin cables and thick cables.

  • 電腦的普及和科技的飛速發展,淘汰了許多電腦外設;電腦外設的連接方式也是多種多樣,從早前的支持鍵鼠的PS2接口和老式打印機25針的大并口傳輸線,到現在的HDMI視頻連接線,隨著設備的更新今后會有更多的不同接口的外設連接線;今天帶領大家一起回顧電腦周邊外設標配的連接線。











